Wednesday, January 11, 2012

For those of you following my journey into creative-land, I feel as if I've neglected you!

I have been spending countless minutes, even HOURS on getting inspired, and I think I've decided on the first few projects I'm going to attempt! Some are simple, others require money and my husband's braun and hammer (we'll see how those go over with him).

At the moment, we're tearing up carpet in the largest room in our home and installing wood floors. So, that could be considered a creative project in itself. Here's why; I've got to move my built in bookshelves! I'm thinking of taking them to a different wall, and doing shelving BETWEEN them to create more space for more pictures. Then I may have to get new furniture. And window treatments. And paint an accent wall. Muhahah! (my sinsister laugh)

Are you bored?

Ok, fine. Here is what I hope to do in the next TWO months. That's all I can commit to at the moment. I want to have a 12 month plan and do something creative at LEAST once a month...but that requires a to-do list (which I have too many of).

-Try to make a new design on a cake for a friend's birthday.
-Take a photo of my daughter in my wedding dress.
-Be a party planner! I am helping a friend with a baby shower....soooo exciting!
-Install an organization shelf/chalkboard/hook system near my kids' bedroom doors on an empty wall.


-Take some old windows I've been collecting and do SOMETHING with them. Anything is better them then sitting my garage.
 -Convert my entry closet (which is a crap collector closet, anyhow) into a  "mudroom in a closet". Wow, do we ever need this! Shoes, coats, hats and gloves...there is no "home" for any of it. I am really excited about this! This will require some money and my husband to get on board with me. Buuuut...usually when I draw up a plan, tell him what I need, and pretend to help, he's pretty sweet about it and does it. He is good like that.

Knowing me, some of my January projects will end up in February. Then some of those will migrate into March, April...even May.

The point is, my creativity keg is tapped, and I'm loving the taste of this brew!


  1. Michelle Catalan12/1/12

    What great ideas Jess! Stick with it! I'm loving the old windows, I've had my eye out for some myself, haven't found any yet. I love the history with them. Keep it up lady!!

  2. Carol Girmscheid12/1/12

    You never cease to amaze Jess! What creative ideas! I guess it will pretty much look like Pottery Barn blew up in your house! Can't wait to see the finished product (or wait, will it EVER be finished?). Amazing!
