Thursday, January 26, 2012

Under Construction

So, as I imagined, my January projects are turning into my February projects. Grr. I really didn't want this to happen, but I have reason. Really, I do!

My entire first floor is under construction. We (meaning, my husband, not me and the mouse in my pocket) are installing hardwood floor in our dining room and foyer, and it's taking longer than I hoped. If my husband is reading this, it isn't because he isn't doing his's not easy to lay wood floors, work 2nd shift and be a dad/husband. But... I'm out of my element. I don't have my large table to do projects on, and I feel disoriented since we're confined to the kitchen and small family room right now. My home isn't exactly an environment conducive to creativity at this point. February holds a better chance for me to tap the creative keg in my home again.

The only thing I've done since my last post is pin a bunch of ideas off to my boards (my name is Jess, and I am a pinterestaholic). I have cupcake recipes I want to make, appetizers I want to try and photos of women with perfect abs that have inspiring words written on them. Sugary treats won't get you a six pack, by the way. I'm a virtual oxymoron on Pinterest.

I'm not playing dead, though. I was "hired" to execute the decorations/cake, etc for my friend who is hosting a baby shower on Sunday. It's a cute themed shower incorporating birds, turquoise, hot pink and brown. My visions are going to take shape on Saturday and Sunday when we set it all up. Let's just hope I don't burn my fingers on my glue gun this weekend when I make all this stuff!

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